Burkhard Martens hat sein erfolgreiches Thermikbuch in der eben neu erschienenen 3.Auflage komplett überarbeitet und erweitert u.a. mit vielen interessanten Gastartikeln von erfolgreichen Thermik- und Streckenfliegern wie z.B. Tom Weissenberger, Oliver Teubert und Daniel Tyrkas. Die Hardcover-Ausgabe hat jetzt 302 Seiten mit über 600 Bilderns und Zeichnungen, wovon 150 neu sind. ... mehr Infos !
Frontcockpit with adjustable ballast pocket, suitable for a water ballast bag with a filling volume of up to 10 l. The ballast pocket can be zipped off without difficulty if it is not needed.
During transport, the instruments are well protected by the padded lid and can be easily attached to the Velcro® plate inside the frontcockpit. ...more info !
KORTEL Design is a manufacture which was founded by Denis Cortella in St. Gervais in 1999. Denis won the French Championship in Paragliding in the years 1998, 2004, and 2005 and became the runner-up in 1995 and 2000. In 2006, Max Jeanpierre, World Championship runner-up (PWCA 2005), joined him as his partner. And now, in the year 2010, CHARLY Produkte takes on the general distribution of KORTEL Design's innovative harnesses for Germany and Austria. With its portfolio, KORTEL Design offers a perfect complement to the products of CHARLY. Both teams are looking forward to a successful cooperation. ...more info !
Whatever your model of paraglider you should look after the leading edge when packing your wing. Care for this will reduce ageing and improve the durability of your wing which also results in better inflation and performance. The Charly Protection-Bag makes packing your glider easy. ...more Info !
The new free*spee three stage accelerator - designed for XC-Pilots. Adjusting the speedbar easily in flight. High performance - less weight (90 g). Well-engineered technology and high-grade materials set a benchmark. ...more Info !
On 3 DVDs with a total running time of 3.5 hours(!), Burkhard Martens and his wife Nina-Renate Brummer present their "DVD-Guide to the Best Flying Sites of the Middle and Eastern Alps". Pictures say more than thousands of words - under this motto the two authors have put this mammoth work together. The 3 DVDs are accompanied by a 84 page book, where each site is accurately described. A lot of tips from above are included in the films. ... more Info !
Das Thermik Magazin hat sich unser Wettkampf- und Streckenfliegergurtzeug genauer angeschaut und in Ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe einen zweiseitigen Testbericht darüber veröffentlicht. Der Titel lautet vielversprechend Charly Titan 3 VOLLENDUNG IN DRITTER GENERATION und bestätigt das durchweg positive Feedback das wir von vielen Titan 3 Piloten aus aller Welt erhalten. ...mehr Infos!
By request of several paraglider- and harness manufacturers Thomas Finsterwalder have developed a lightweight and easy to operate paragliding karabiner with a conventional twist-lock, whose fatigue strength meets the test specification of a DHV-authorized testing institute. This specification is based on the karabiner load during flight, which was ascertained by the DHV in tests, and requires a proof of fatigue strength for a period of 5 years, allowing for safety factors which are common in engineering. Up to now, this proof has not been shown by any other karabiner manufacturer. ...more info !
free*spee allows for the optimal adjustment of the accelerator at any time. This can be done with only one hand, so that the steering lines do not have to be let loose completely. Therefore, free*spee is ideally suited for flying schools where harness and paraglider are switched frequently. ...more info !